Sea Serpents Don’t Juggle Water Balloons: A Book Talk by Danielle

I read  the book Sea Serpents Dont Juggle Water Balloons by Debbie Dadey and Marcia Thorten Johns, illustrated by John Steven Gurney. It is a great book!  The Baily School  Kids is a mystery where the kids are trying to find out if Eddie’s math tutor is a sea serpent. What will they discover?  Read Sea Serpents Dont Juggle to find out!

The Gym Teacher From the Black Lagoon: A Book Talk by Ella

I read the book The Gym Teachner From the Black Lagoon by Mike Thaler. In the story a school gets a new gym teacher. He makes you run a lap around the gym,then a lap around the school,then the world!  He makes you play baseball with real bats and jump over a horse. He makes you do square dancing…with the girls. Will the new gym teacher ever be nice?? Read the Gym Teacher From The  Black Lagoon to find out.

Monster Beach: A Book Talk by Mary

Monster Beach by Betty Paraskevas and illustrated by Michael Paraskevas is a great book!  In the book a child and his grandfather went to their fishing shack while their folks were away.  They arrived at night and the little boy saw something scary and he went straight to bed.  The little boy wakes up and sees that thing again.  He turns and runs across the sand.  He decides not to say anything.  He watched the umbrellas around him bloom.  Three triplets go out to sea but aren`t able to be seen.  Read Monster Beach to find out what happens next.

Slumber Party: A Book Talk by Alexus

I read the book Slumber Party by  Stan and Jan Berenstan.  I think this book teaches you a lesson.  In the book sister bear got invited to a slumber party.  Will they get in trouble?  The genre of this book is fantasy.   I would recommend this book for first and second grade.  I like reading this book.

The Witch’s Christmas: A Book Talk by Ella

I  read the book The Witch’s Christmas by Norman Bridwell. In the story there is witch and when it snows she gets black snow. She takes her friends shopping on her broomstick because it is faster. On Christmas Eve Santa’s sleigh gets caught around an airplane. The witch wants to save them,but will she be able to??? Read The Witch’s Christmas to find out. It is a very good book; everybody will like it!!