The Swiss Family Robinson –A Book Talk by Daniel

Everybody loves a good classic, and this is one of them. It is a thought-provoking book called The Swiss Family Robinson. The Robinson family’s ship was withered by a ferocious storm. They got marooned on a peculiar island. They had a small amount of items brought from the ship. They had to learn to work together. One time, they had to make a huge tree house out of a tree and a few boat parts. Have you ever had to battle wild buffalo? Watch this family work together and call this place home. Will they survive? And if they do, will they ever make it back home? If you want to know, read The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss to find out.

Swiss Family Robinson



Tiny Tyrant: A Book Talk by Natalia

I just read a funny book called Tiny Tyrant by Lewis Trondheim and Fabrice Parme. Have you ever gotten whatever you want? Well Ethelbert does. He wants everything from Dinosaurs to Santa Claus reindeer, All kids want to be like him, But everything he wants always turns into a bad idea. Learn more in Tiny Tyrant by Lewis Trondheim and Fabrice Parme.

The Rat With the Human Face: A Book Talk by Dan

Are you an Origami Yoda fan? If you are, you should read a scintillating book called The Rat with the Human Face.  It’s about a kid named Lyle and his friends, Dave and Marilla. They are a part of the Quickpick Adventure Society, which goes on adventures. This one is about a rat with a human face that an electrician found it in the basement of a dilapidated laboratory- pretty radical, right!?! Anyway, when they get there, they find out there is a caretaker!!! DUN, DUN, DONNN!!! Will Lyle and his buds get apprehended? Or will they survive the malevolent caretaker? Read The Rat With the Human Face By Tom Angleberger to find out.

Watch the movie here:

The Rat